Commercial Photography: Part One

NYX Rainbow Powder
So the winter has arrived... and is it ever cold! That means less time outside for me and more thinking outside the box of taking indoor photos. If that makes sense, lol. So yes, I took some pictures of my makeup and put it into an ad. Even though I said I didn't like advertising, I do however like making them.

X Box Handling
I think the game Worms: Armageddon is pretty spectacular, however I can hardly play. I highly recommend this game to anyone out there. hehe.

The Musical Stray

This was a picture that I had taken in Quebec City. I was walking down these stairs and had a quick glimpse of someone sitting in the middle of it. I looked more closely, and I saw that it was a bum...not just any bum! one that had a rainbow hat! Than I thought "you never see these bum's in Belleville!" so I took the opportunity, turned aorund, a quick snap shot and I was on my way! Surprisingly I had the picture perfectly framed as I rushed not to be seen!

December the 4th.

Street Concert

This is one of my favourite pictures ever! Last weekend I went on an adventure downtown Kingston to take some photos. Just my luck, my camera died just as I was getting into it. Thankfully, I was able to capture this shot before that happened. I love it, I went into Second Cup just to get change to tip them and ask "may I please take a couple of pictures" They were so sweet, and sounded great!

Nature Photography

This photo was taken at Ontario Park in Kingston Ontario. This was the first day that I came to the realization that I would love to pursue my career as a photographer, or even as a part-time hobby. For this photo I actually used my boyfriends point-and-shoot and then did subtle editing with layers and curves in ADOBE Photoshop.

The first day I went out with my new Nikon D60, I journeyed over to Lemoine's Point in Kingston to take some nature shots. When following the trail, I noticed this really cool flower that was growing IN a tree branch, and it was the only one. Of course I took a picture. This photo had no editing done to it.


In the summer my family traveled from Belleville, to PEI. This was the first time I have ever seen another province before, yet alone the whole east coast. This day we went to one of the beaches in PEI. Now I've always heard about this red sand they have, which they did, but they had white sand too :) I ended up leaving my family and going on a 2h walk on the beach. Oh yeah I was determined.

During my stay in Prince Edward Island (not county lol), I saw many of these flowers when I would go on a walk with my Aunties. We were almost certain it was the provincial flower. We ever wrong, the PEI Flower is actually called a Lady Slipper which I did not see any of. Isn't that peculiar!?

Belleville, the beautiful city. My home.
(Photo of the Quinte River)

In the summer I spent one weekend in Sudbury, just to get away. While my stay, I happened to go to Science North, for those of you who don't know... "google". Anyways... have you ever tried to take a picture of a butterfly, nearly impossible! They fly so fast I didnt think I would ever get a shot like this. The only editing I have done is levels and cropping.


This was a photo a quickly shot five minutes before photography class. We had an assignment to take a photo that portrays minimum or maximum depth of field. Personally I think limited depth of field, used right, make a very attractive photo. Levels were adjusted.